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July 8 - Day of the fight against allergies

July 8 - Day of the fight against allergies

Fight against Allergy

What is allergy?

  1. An abnormally high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods, or microorganisms. Common indications of allergy may include sneezing, itching, and skin rashes. 
  2. Informal. An adverse sentiment; antipathy: an allergy to cocktail parties.
July 8 around the world celebrated World Day against allergy, which was first held in 2005 by the World Allergy Organization and the World Organization for immunopathology.

Allergy is a condition of increased sensitivity of a living organism in relation to a specific substance or substances (allergens) that develops with repeated exposure to these substances. The physiological mechanism of allergy is the formation of antibodies in the body, leading to a decrease or increase its sensitivity. Allergy is manifested as severe irritation of the mucous membranes, skin rash, general malaise and other symptoms.

There are more than 20 kinds of various allergies.

Allergic reactions are diverse in manifestation and severity of treatment. They are able to develop in different directions and involve various organs and tissues of the body.

How do I find an allergy?

For the occurrence of allergy symptoms should be 2 conditions: the person must be a genetic predisposition, and should be exposed to one or more allergens. Sneezing, nasal congestion and runny nose, itchy eyes and skin - the most common allergy symptoms. However, all these symptoms may have nothing in common with allergic reactions.
So how can we understand what really suffer from allergies?


Sneezing - natural way for the body to get rid of irritating substances (dust, sand, etc.) that are removed together with a small amount of fluid secretion. In allergy, this reaction becomes exaggerated. Attacks of sneezing lasts every day for no apparent reason, in the absence of the common cold itself.

Bunged Up Nose:

When allergy mucosa in the nasal cavity becomes inflamed and thickened, causing nasal congestion. This leads to disruption of the normal drainage of mucus, or even completely blocking it. Attempts to blow his nose to nothing lead, and only increase the nasal congestion.


Allergy - a common cause of itching. Urticaria (hives) - many small skin lesions, which can be anywhere on the body and face. Usually it lasts a few days. Eczema appears on the face of early childhood. Itching at the same time is so strong that it causes immense suffering to the child, sometimes depriving him of sleep. It lasts disease for several years, with flare-ups and periods of remission. Eczema can affect any area of ​​the body.

Itchy eyes:

All we have to periodically wipe your eyes to remove the speck or eyelash or a grain of sand. But as soon as the cause of irritation persists, we no longer need to rub your eyes. However, if you are allergic, the situation changes dramatically: itchy eyes there is no external cause, and nothing can diminish it. This itching can last for weeks. The eyelids are usually reddened and swollen.

How to avoid the onset of symptoms?

The best way to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, - to avoid exposure to the allergen, or at least reduce these pins to a minimum. Sometimes it is very difficult and cumbersome, so is not always possible to control allergy symptoms.

A person with an allergy to pollen should avoid walks in nature, sports activities outdoors and stay on the street in the middle of the day, when the air temperature is highest. The media is already in many cities published forecasts flowering of various plants, so the most dangerous in terms of exposure to pollen allergens days in advance and you can learn not to go at this time on the street.

People with food allergies should avoid foods that cause allergic reactions. But, unfortunately, we do not always know exactly what ingredients are contained in a particular dish. Many people are allergic to soy, which is found in many bakery and confectionery products. Peanuts and peanut butter are also part of very many finished products on the shelves. If you are allergic to any drug substance, your doctor will help you choose a safe medication for you. For the majority of allergies the best prevention is to control the environment and strict hygiene rules, especially in your bedroom.

Practical Advice:

Admit to your home with fresh air and sunshine and banish dust. Cleaning in the bedroom should be carried out very often, also need to constantly ventilate the room. It is important to regularly vacuum the floor, carpets, curtains and all the surface of the mattress, in addition, it takes time to dry the mattress in the sun from time to time. Linens, blankets and stuffed toys should be periodically washed at a temperature of not less than 60 degrees C. Wool blankets, feather pillows and duvets should be replaced by products made of synthetic fabrics. Ideally, it is desirable to remove from the bedroom paintings, carpets, wool and fur and do not use heavy curtain fabrics and curtains.

Reduce your exposure to animals. The best way to avoid contact with pet allergies - find a new home for the animal. However, in most cases the owners do not want and can not bear to part with your pet. If the thought of parting is too heavy for you, try to minimize contact with allergens, limiting the place of residence of the animal separate rooms, do not let him into the bedroom. Every day, clean clothes from the wool damp cloth.

Reduce indoor humidity

Mould in a residential area is always the result of high humidity, which is not always easy to control. Average vlagopoglatitelya often not enough, and you may need professional help to install the control of humidity in the house, which will provide the necessary waterproofing foundations and walls.

Use special tools

It is important to know that the conventional vacuum cleaner only removes a small portion of mites contained in the dust, so people suffering from allergies, the following precautions should be observed.

There are special insecticide sprays, which periodically - 4 - 5 times a year - need to handle carpets and mattresses. Substances contained in a spray kill mites. After treatment, the surface should be thoroughly vacuum the carpet or mattress as dead mites cause allergies just as lively.

The food for the mites are tiny particles of our skin, exfoliates while staying in bed. Special cases prevent the ingress of particles into pillows and mattresses, thus limiting the number of living mites in them.

Self-medication allergies do not have to deal with, it is necessary to see a specialist.

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