As I mentioned in a previous article "Health key to
success." Smoking - one of the most common habits that cause damage to
human health and the effect on its continued success. In heavy smokers today
have good reason to give up the habit, become healthier, fitter. May 31 is
World No Tobacco Day.
Today, it is written so many books on how to quit smoking,
developed a variety of systems and methods of getting rid of this addiction.
But the main, in my opinion, an incentive that will help overcome the
psychological dependence on nicotine, is the realization hurt yourself and the
desire once and for all get rid of the consequences of long years of this
The harm of smoking on the human body:
Smoking is injurious to health
Annually in the world from diseases caused by smoking and
kills about five million people. In Russia alone, nicotine each day takes
thousands of lives.
Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and
stroke. The heart rate in smokers at 15,000 beats per day more than a
non-smoker, and oxygen delivery to the tissues is significantly reduced, since
the narrowed vessels.
Smoking - the main risk factor for respiratory diseases:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema),
Tobacco and tobacco smoke contain more than 3,000 chemicals,
60 of which are carcinogenic, that is capable of damaging the genetic material
of cells and cause cancer growth. It has long been demonstrated that tobacco is
a cause of lung cancer mortality in 90% of all cases.
Reduced visual acuity, and also under the influence of
smoking. Scientists have for years talked about the dangers of smoking to the
eye, but recent studies were able to confirm the bitter truth for smokers: cigarette
contained substances are dangerous to the eye, due to their impaired blood
supply to the choroid and retina. Every smoker, and particularly those who have
behind them a great smoking experience, at any time threatens the formation of
vascular occlusion, and from it you can completely lose sight.
There are diseases caused mainly only smoking. It -
occlusive disease (disease of the vessels of the legs). There is a narrowing of
blood vessels and blood flow to the tissues and cells much disturbed. The worst
consequence of this disease - limb amputation (s). As evidenced by Russian
doctors, every year in our country produced about 20 thousand to amputate the
legs of operations due to obliterating endarteritis.
Clinical trials conducted in recent years have proven that
the skin of a smoker is aging faster than a non-smoker. For example, we have
shown that the skin of forty women smoking for many years, may be as devastated
as the skin seventy-smoking. Doctors call these kind of changes in human skin
syndrome "tobacco" of a person.
Male smokers have 3 times the cases of impotence than
non-smokers more likely to occur. And women who smoke, suffer from frigidity
2.5 times more likely than non-smokers. This is due to the fact that nicotine
promotes vasoconstriction genitals.
Smoking harms not only the
physical but also the psychological health of the person. Smokers nervously
exhausted more than others. They shatter the nervous system, living on a
cigarette to cigarette and ready to break out is not that on the insignificant,
but in an insignificant occasion. Due to violations of the right course of
nervous processes a person becomes irritable, quarrelsome, he develops, as they
say, "heavy character."
This is not a complete list of diseases that are possible
and inevitable in a person with long experience of tobacco dependence. it is
necessary to you?
Smoking negatively affects the efficiency of the brain
Smoking slows the reaction, making them less crisp. Waning
attention, memory, reduced intelligence. People whose jobs require memory and
attention, rapid response, we must remember that smoking reduces their
employability and prevent concentrate on work.
Scientists was found that when smoked changes appear in the
electroencephalogram, indicating a weakening of the bioelectric activity of
brain cells. The degree of weakening of the bioelectrical activity is
proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked per person.
The great German poet Goethe said: "From tupeesh
smoking. It is not compatible with the creative work. "
The harm of smoking on the human
body immensely great! Besides the fact that smoking adversely affects the
physical and psychological health of our body, there are many other reasons to
quit smoking:
Among the negative consequences of smoking and include
unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning, yellow teeth, bad breath and from
the hair.
Sleep smoker is always worse than a man of his own type, but
a non-smoker.
Smoking dulls the taste and smell. These feelings are
returned to the person only after some time, after giving up smoking.
Smokers cause great harm to others. From passive smoking
annually kills more than 600,000 people, a third of them - the children.
Smoking is a common cause of fires.
Smoking - a waste of money. Calculate how much money you
spend per year on cigarettes. The amount turned out considerable. With this
money you can buy really something useful.
Smoking - a waste of time. The
average smoker spends on smoking between 10 and 15 days a year! If you do not
believe me, then let's count. The average smoker smokes 20 cigarettes a day,
and one cigarette takes about 3 minutes. It follows that in day 1 leaves a
smoke hour and 365 hours per year.
Are so many reasons not to force you to stop smoking once
and for all? Do it today, because the World No Tobacco Day - a great reason to
quit smoking! Quit smoking now !!!
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